Garry Mercer - Customer Testimonials

“I have dealt with Mercer trucking for 12 years and they do an amazing job. They go the ‘extra mile’ to make sure our needs  and our customer needs are always met. When you call you always get a live person on the phone. They are a very professional and personal company to deal with.”

 JC , Holding GMCR Canada Inc.

“Garry Mercer Trucking has continuously met and exceeded our expectations with their excellent customer service, with us and our customers. They’re on time delivery, communication and personal touch has made them who they are, a pleasure to work with.”

– BT, Wolf Steel Ltd.

“We find the people at Mercer very helpful, thorough, and with excellent customer service. They provide good and prompt service and our installers really like them.”

– BW, Pattison Sign Group

“Great job! Thank you for handling our trade show delivery in such an efficient and timely manner and helping to make sure that all border crossings went smoothly. With Mercer, we are always confident in our equipment arriving on time and in perfect condition. It makes my job so much easier.”

– WM, Lenbrook International